This volume presents the latest research on the development and use of communal spaces and places across the Mogollon region, located in what is now the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. New data demonstrate that these spaces and places, though diverse in form and function, were essential to community development and cohesion, particularly during critical formative periods associated with increasing sedentism and farming, and during comparable periods of social change.
The authors ask questions crucial to understanding past communities: What is a communal space or place? How did villagers across the Mogollon region use such places? And how do modern archaeologists investigate the past to learn how ancient people thought about themselves and the world around them? Contributors use innovative approaches to explore the development patterns and properties of communal spaces and places, as well as how and why these places were incorporated into the daily lives of village residents. Buildings and other types of communal spaces are placed into broader cultural and social contexts, acknowledging the enduring importance of the kiva-type structure to many Native American societies of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico.
Robert J. Stokes was assistant professor and chair of the Department of Anthropology at Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, from 2018 to 2022. He is now the Program Support Bureau Chief at New Mexico State Parks in Santa Fe.
Katherine A. Dungan is the assistant manager of the Archaeological Repository at the Arizona State Museum. Her work has been published in the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Antiquity, and American Antiquity.
Jakob W. Sedig is a postdoctoral research fellow and ethics and outreach officer at the Reich Laboratory of Medical and Population Genetics, Harvard University. His work has been published in the Journal of Archaeological Science, Antiquity, and World Archaeology.
“A valuable addition to the literature. Many of the chapters describe important sites or structures or important processes such as the solstice or connections between sites and landscapes. It will be useful for decades to come.”
—Michelle Hegmon, Arizona State University