Trending upward as an archaeological field of study, protohistoric mobile groups provide fascinating new directions for cutting-edge research in the American Southwest and beyond. These mobile residents represent the ancient and ancestral roots of many modern indigenous peoples, including the Apaches, Jumano, Yavapai, and Ute. These important protohistoric and historic mobile people have tended to be ignored because their archaeological sites were deemed too difficult to identify, too scant to be worthy of study, and too different to incorporate. This book brings together information from a diverse collection of authors working throughout the American Southwest and its fringes to make the bold statement that these groups can be identified in the archaeological record and their sites have much to contribute to the study of cultural process, method and theory, and past lifeways. Mobile groups are integral for assessing the grand reorganizational events of the Late Prehistoric period and are key to understanding colonial contact and transformations. Now, the only analyses, overviews, and class lectures that will be considered comprehensive will be those that address the presence of these many widespread mobile peoples.
Deni J. Seymour is a full-time research archaeologist and ethnohistorian.
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Table of Contents:List of Figures
List of Tables
1. “Fierce, Barbarous, and Untamed”: Ending Archaeological Silence on Southwestern Mobile Peoples – Deni J. Seymour
2. Terminal Puebloan Occupation: An Example from South-Central New Mexico – Meade F. Kemrer
3. Bison, Trade, and Warfare in Late Prehistoric Southeastern New Mexico: The Perspective from Roswell – John D. Speth
4. Conceptualizing Mobility in the Eastern Frontier Pueblo Area: Evidence in Images – Deni J. Seymour
5. Eastern Extension of Lehmer’s Jornada Mogollon Ancestors to the Jumano/Suma – Patrick H. Beckett
6. Embracing a Mobile Heritage: Federal Recognition and Lipan Apache Enclavement – Oscar Rodriguez and Deni J. Seymour
7. Excavations in the Carrizalillo Hills of Southwestern New Mexico Reveal Protohistoric Mobile Group Camps – Alexander Kurota
8. From Economic Necessity to Cultural Tradition: Spanish Chipped-Stone Technology in New Mexico – James L. Moore
9. Protohistoric Arrowhead Variability in the Greater Southwest – Mark E. Harlan
10. Akimel O’odham and Apache Projectile Point Design – Chris Loendorf
11. Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Study of the Ceramics of Protohistoric Hunter-Gatherers – David V. Hill
12. Architectural Visibility and Population Dynamics in Late Hohokam Prehistory – Douglas B. Craig
13. Sobaipuri O’odham and Mobile Group Relevance to Late Prehistoric Social Networks in the San Pedro Valley – Mark E. Harlan and Deni J. Seymour
14. Needzíí’ : Diné Game Traps on the Colorado Plateau – James M. Copeland
15. The Colorado Wickiup Project: Investigations into the Early Historic Ute Occupation of Western Colorado – Curtis Martin
16. A Numic and Ancestral Pueblo Ceramic Assemblage at 42UN5406 in the Uintah Basin – James A. Truesdale, David V. Hill, and Christopher James (CJ) Truesdale
17. Three Sisters Site: An Ancestral Chokonen Apache Encampment in the Dragoon Mountains – Deni J. Seymour
18. A Protohistoric to Historic Yavapai Persistent Place on the Landscape of Central Arizona: An Example from the Lake Pleasant Rockshelter Site – Robert J. Stokes and Joanne C. Tactikos
19. Now You See ’Em, Now You Don’t: In Search of Yavapai Structures in the Verde Valley – Peter J. Pilles Jr.
20. It’s Complicated: Discerning the Post-Puebloan Period in Southern Nevada’s Archaeological Record – Heidi Roberts
21. Tweaking the Conventional Wisdom in Southwestern Archaeology – David Hurst Thomas
Praise and Reviews:“An excellent array of regional case studies spanning the Southwest, from the edge of the Great Plains to California. A consistent, scholarly sound, and very well-rounded volume.”
—John Carpenter, profesor de Investigación Científica, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Centro Insituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia Sonora
“These essays provide insights into the activities of those often invisible groups whose presence bridged a cultural and temporal span between ‘prehistory’ and the leading edges of ‘history.’ Insofar as the Southwestern archaeological literature is concerned, this book stands alone.”
—David H. Snow, former director and founder of Cross-Cultural Research Systems
“This excellent book provides an array of information on late mobile societies in the American Southwest. Its most significant contribution, however, is bringing attention to a poorly documented and misunderstood part of the archaeological record—one that we should not continue to ignore.”—Journal of Anthropological Research
“This collection of papers masterfully addresses the goals of the volume to define the archaeological correlates of mobile peoples and their social and economic roles in the protohistoric Southwest. In overthrowing the orthodoxy of Southwestern archaeology, Seymour and the many contributors to the volume demonstrate that the diversity of mobile peoples in the Southwest were not peripheral or of secondary importance to Puebloan groups.”—California Archaeology