Excavations in and around Mound 1, Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas, Mexico

Paper No 87

Chiapa de Corzo is the Alpha and Omega of New World Archaeological Foundation (NWAF) research in Chiapas, Mexico, and Mound 1 in the South Group was the principal construction at that site. Numerous excavations in the mound proper and off-mound are detailed here, the majority for the first time, with copious photos and illustrations. Some 10 seasons of work at this mound dating from 1955 to 2008 are summarized, incorporating the early efforts with more recent field seasons. Also presented in these two volumes are overviews on the chronology and architectural styles of the southern zone of Chiapa de Corzo, which tie in with the recent publications on Mound 17 (Paper 80), Mound 15 (Paper 81), Mound 32 (Paper 82), and Mound 3 (Paper 85). 

This is 2 volumes combined.